Voice of Reason

Force of Nature

Our Aim

Build a financially sustainable entity to:

Be a friend and mentor to all hunters.

Provide grants to projects and organisations.

Protect New Zealand’s land and water.

Promote innovative and ethical practices.

Collaborate with existing hunter groups and their communities.

Offer wise counsel to key decision-makers.

With the help of our generous benefactors and our hardworking teams at the coalface, together we can protect, enhance and promote New Zealand’s natural environments for hunters and the wider recreational population.

Assessing with Binoculars

What we do

We see the fine line between nature and nurture.

Hunters have a connection with the outdoors that goes far deeper than recreation. We appreciate the delicate balance between indigenous and introduced species and the impact these creatures have on each other and their various ecosystems, and we see (all too clearly) the role we must play as guardians of this fragile relationship.

Meet the Trustees

Guardian, Teacher, Changemaker, Advocate and Friend.

Our Trust will promote and represent hunters in a positive connective role by working with various government agencies and hunting interest groups.

Your donation

You have the power to empower real change.

Your donation enables us to:

Leverage Innovative Technologies

Fund cutting-edge methods for habitat preservation and species protection and management.

Strengthen Conservation Partnerships

Promote collaboration with renowned New Zealand conservation organisations, investing in new science and technology.

Fund research

Conduct rigorous research and communicate transparently with our supporters and government.


Provide the necessary resources for budget management, communication, and policy advocacy to protect our cherished way of life.

We have identified several worthwhile priorities. Visit our donate page.